what we do

Parker Art Handling specializes in hanging, transporting and packing everything from family photos to large paintings.



From wall collages of lightweight frames to oversized paintings that require expert skills, Parker Art Handling is here to do all the measuring, hanging and leveling so you don’t have to. Our competitive rates include all the proper tools and hardware to get the job done safely and efficiently.

Need to get your new painting from the gallery to your home safely? Parker Art Handling is standing by with a fleet of vehicles loaded with the right materials to get your art across town (or even across the state) as safely as possible. We’re happy to work with you on reasonable transportation rates for longer distances.


Whether you need to ship your art around the globe, pack it for a cross-country move, or put your collection in storage for a while, Parker Art Handling has the solutions to protect your art during any journey. We can build custom-fitted cardboard boxes with foam, quick portfolios and even museum-quality crating. We’ve got you covered, literally!


Reach out today for your free quote!